Kindle版 イエズス・キリストの私生活と公生活 天文学データ

30%Off:「イエズス・キリストの私生活と公生活」「イエズスの王国」:本命は「祭日 祭日候補 祝日 祝日候補 年代順の一覧表」など。

英語版用:カトリック教会 その② 原始カトリック教会によればイエズスは12月25日に生まれた。

 カトリック教会 その② 原始カトリック教会によればイエズスは12月25日に生まれた。
 Acording to the Primitive Roman Catholic Church, Jesus was born on December 25. 

The Jews calculated their dates from sunset.
The sun set at 4:53 p.m., and it became on Monday of December 25 of 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews. They arrived at the livestock hut which was dug to the mountain. Mary was seventeen years three months and seventeen days old.
The moon’s zenith which phase of the moon at 7:53:28 p.m. was 9.7. While they were there, her days were completed to give birth, and she gave birth to her first-born Son. She wrapped Him in clothes and placed Him in the manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, it was at 8 p.m. The angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, and he stood by them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared very much. (Luke 2:8-16).